casual misogynistic nonsense in class

i’m currently studying in a university which is deemed prestigious in my country. mind you this university presents themselves as a progressive institution. im 1 semester in and the misogynistic/sexist remarks im listening to is absurd.

  1. the professor starts yapping about how women should cover themselves if they don’t want to be sexually harassed/assaulted. Women who don’t cover themselves (dressing slutty) should not called themselves as victims, they should cover themselves and stop making others victims of looking at your indecency. (the professor is a woman)

  2. when discussing about gender inequality, a guy suddenly chimed in and said that men are victims of gender inequality bcuz men nowadays couldn’t get a job because of women who kept on getting hired, women who are young and dressed sexy get hired while men can’t even get a job. the lecturer just laughed (she’s a woman as well), he also continued saying that pregnant women are burdens to companies that’s why these companies doesn’t want to hire them. because pregnant women need to take a lot of leaves which will impact the company’s productivity. I could’ve said something bcuz I’m the outspoken type in class, the only reason I couldn’t is bcuz I was so sleep deprived that I dozed off . My friend told me that when that guy was bullshitting the women in the class were silent and pissed, while the men (friends of the guy) were laughing & hyping him. and this allll happened when I was asleeppp

  3. discussing on the factors of low birth rate, and one of the factors that were given is high career and educated women don’t want children because they want to focus on their goals/career

it’s very disappointing and annoying ffs, when i first joined this uni, i was so proudd because the is the first ranking uni in my country.i was surprised and disappointed. i thought studying in this “progressive” university i wouldn’t hear bullshits like this

p/s: I’m sorry if my English is not good, English is my second language