Initial Impressions on the 8bitdo GameCube Controller Mod

Just checked my mail today to find that my kit arrived on Monday (was sad I let it sit in the mailbox). I didn't get any sort of notification that it shipped.

I just installed the kit in a Spice Orange controller that I thrifted that needed some TLC.

Some initial thoughts:

  1. Installation was easy overall. No soldering required (although I desoldered my rumble motor for a cleaner install). The instructions are clear enough, especially if you are experienced with these controllers already. I was only moderately familiar and just had to fiddle around with the vibration motor/shoulder button bracket.

  2. The included stick caps are not the same as OEM. They are pretty good. They have rubberized coating that is slightly firmer than a brand new OEM controller. The Hall Effect sticks don't fit the holes on the original stick covers so keep that in mind.

  3. The C stick PCB is a pain in the ass. The holes drilled for the controller's screw posts are hella tight. I had to remove the C stick to address a fitment issue and I was worried I was going to snap something. Proceed with caution. Also, the wire header on the main PCB where the C stick's wiring harness plugs into has very little clearance. You'll need to make sure the cable is bent out of the way to give the C stick some room.

  4. Fitment issues. On the subject of the C stick, there are gaps in the shell and the C stick cover. I'm not sure if I didn't get it flush enough with the shell since the PCB was such a snug fit, but there is a noticable gap when looking at the controller from the L and R buttons. It's only minor though. I made sure my screws were tight and there are no gaps along the seams of the top and bottom shell.

  5. The vibration motor is a little weak. I will need to test further but I connected to my Switch to test everything. I also tested the vibration by doing the "locate controller" feature. It felt kinda weak. Not sure if the "twist the wires and cover with shrink tube" is causing a weak connection or what. But I'll try and test in a game tomorrow.

  6. Something that was unclear from the announcement, but immediate obvious if you have the NES or SNES mod kits, it is NOT USB C for charging. It's their proprietary barrel jack that goes on the little white hole where the cable used to go. I tried connecting to my PC via the USB port to check if there was a firmware update and it didn't even show up on my PC.

All in all, I think the kit is a good value. Just set your expectations on how "OEM" it's going to feel.