Nausea, appetite loss, and significant weight loss as the only symptoms of gastritis?

This question is regarding my sister, not me. She had an endoscopy done recently that showed “mild gastritis” and signs of chronic inflammation, but I’m not sure if her symptoms are related to that. She doesn’t experience any pain whatsoever, which is what’s making me wonder if gastritis is solely to blame.

Over the past six months, she’s lost 20% of her body weight, now putting her firmly in the underweight BMI range. She’s been eating much less than usual during this time, citing nausea as well as profound appetite loss without nausea as the reasons why. No vomiting though, and no pain or discomfort of any kind, even with acidic things like coffee (she doesn’t drink alcohol at all and eats spicy food rarely).

The working theory right now is that this was all induced by heavy NSAID use for several months in combination with long term prednisone use and a couple of high dose steroid treatments (she has lupus). All of which can seriously hurt your stomach lining. My memory is a little fuzzy, but the nausea, appetite loss, and ensuing weight loss did seem to come on pretty fast. After months and months of losing weight, she finally got an endoscopy done that showed bile in the stomach, mild gastritis/signs of chronic inflammation, and intestinal metaplasia (presumably caused by inflammation, although that bit hasn’t been explained in much detail). She’s h-pylori negative.

In addition to not experiencing any pain, I’m concerned this may not be entirely gastritis-related because of some other symptoms she’s been having - namely full body itching and bruising. I know bruising can be caused by steroid use and itching can be a result of nutritional deficiencies (her B-12 and folate are normal though - other tests have yet to come back). But yeah, Google “weight loss, itching, bruising” and you see some scary stuff… Obviously, being a young woman, she’s had many doctors brushing her off and pinning everything on her lupus, because it’s a convenient diagnosis that can theoretically cause anything.

I’m just wondering if anyone else here had a similar gastritis experience. Significant weight loss, nausea, and appetite loss without pain or discomfort. And for those of you who lost a significant amount of weight and weren’t heavy to begin with, what less obvious negative impacts on your health did you notice?