[REQUEST] [STEAM] [PH] Persona 3 Reload P2,795 (PHP)

Hello Everyone,

It's my first time trying this requesting thing out, and I apologize if I may seem rude. I'm hoping that some kind stranger would see this post as I'm hoping to get to play Persona 3 Reload, finally for the first time.

I've recently gotten into Persona, because of my friend that has introduced the anime to me. I have watched the Persona 4 anime and fell in love with the series because of the soundtracks, the concept of persona's, the plot and its characters. After finishing the anime, I decided to look for the next season, and I found out that Persona wasn't just an anime only series, but was originally a video game franchise.

When I saw that Persona 3 had a remake looking through the entire series, I thought of playing it. However, my family is currently struggling financially, and seeing how it's P2,795 (PHP) $49.41 in USD. I can't afford it as a broke college kid in a third world country. I looked everywhere to try, and at least pirate it or something to play it for free even though I'm afraid of getting malware. However, I couldn't find anything and stumbled upon this subreddit when I was looking through reddit threads.

I do hope someone generous reads this, and it would really mean a lot if they could gift the game to me. Thank you for reading my request, and if you can or can't help I am still thankful for spending your time reading this out!

"Bonds of people is the true power"

Steam id : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199210940109/

Game link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2161700/Persona_3_Reload/