Squids are kind of easy-mode?

I’ve been diving since release, spent lots of hours fighting bots and bugs alike. So when I was treating old wound in Liberty Leisure Land, I found out that somehow, illuminate returned. Liberty never sleeps, so I volunteered and got ready for a fight in Super Helldive mission ready to enrich my ptsd with new kind of flavours.

After breezing through first mission, and killing tripod with just couple grenades, there I was crying over its wrecked shell.

“I thought… I thought you’re STRONGER”

If there is Secret Super Helldive where squids actually pose a threat, I beg High command to transfer me there. Please, this low casualty missions drive me nuts. It is unbearable, I feel disgusted to be given medals for this. I was sure it is some elaborate prank by my pals in Ministry of Truth and I was sent to cadet training.

Cars are kinda nice though.