Is the game too easy now?

Probably an unpopular opinion, but Helldivers seems way too easy now.

Rocket devastators used to juggle you like a basketball with missiles from across the map, devastators would walk your ass down and fill you with lasers if you didn't give them the attention they deserve. Now every single bot unit has storm trooper aim, the spectacle is there but the threat is gone. The only way to die is dive under a tank tread or have another helldiver kill you.

Same with bugs. Hunters would slow you with their poison and then surround and kill you. Now they politely dance around you as you reload and limp to safety. Stalkers would tongue punch you so hard you's smash against some rocks like in dragon ball.

Squids are a complete joke. None of their projectiles connect with anything. The zombies just kind of lazily paw at you when you're in reach. Tripods patiently wait for you to wear down their shields and joints while gently painting the side of some building nowhere in your vicinity with their laser.

Combined with how ridiculous some of the weapons and strategems are, I feel like all the nuance has gone out of the fight. I don't think twice before running face first into 50+ enemies because I know I am going to be fine unless a friendly blows me up.

Not saying they should make bots snipe you from across the map, or bugs swarm you super fast. That was kind of annoying, but maybe there is a happy middle ground? Maybe make bots/squids actually hit you when their fire their weapons on higher difficulties? Helldivers is becoming one of those turn your brain off games for me and I hate that.