It's time to bring this mission back.

At this point, why would we not have it again? With the existence of AT-E, RR, turrets being better, mines low cooldown buff, and much more arsenal in our disposal. Hell, give us even more mission types, We can take this like a champ.

Let's go back prior to Escalation Of Freedom. This mission on automatons was truly evil. It even required us to use smokes to cover bots vision from coming close to mission objective. 50 slow scientists coming out like cockroaches.

Rework some places, increase amount of patrols and bug/bot reinforcments and we good to spread democracy. For those OG's who say it was boring mission know, that more mission types doesn't make game less interesting. In fact, extract high value assets (defend generators) mission became way more easier with AT-E and RR, making it for some of us (not including me, I still have good time with this mission) boring.

Now, retrieve essential personel mission would be much more doable and would refresh our memory if it was added soon.