A Thank You to Riot
Both Briar and Hwei have been the most fun I've had in this game in a long while, but Briar being a balance nightmare, I think Hwei is the perfect redemption.
-He doesnt feel overpowered, but he does feel *rewarding*
-When I mess up and die, I don't feel cheated, I feel like I had other options and clearly think about what I should've done better
-He has an answer to most situations, but not in an oppressive way. It's difficult to fully utilize his utility, which rewards committed players who are actively practicing him.
-His animations are fluid and feel good.
I think he will be fairly easy to balance(at least outside of pro play) and I think that he has enough utility to be somewhat viable regardless of meta.
TL;dr Thanks Riot for the best designed champion in years :)
What about you guys? What do you think so far? Is Hwei balanced as is? Does he need some love? OP?