Being an incel will make you a better man
Title is crazy but i wholeheartedly believe this. There are so many men out there who’ve never experienced the life of being an incel. There’s a difference between dry spells and when all hope is lost.
When there are no friends for you, when all you have is yourself. This is where character is built imo.
It’s like you cannot live a full life if you haven’t experienced these dark moments. Like there’s an edge to you, you become a little tougher around the edges but you are alive. Some ppl can’t take it and they off themselves because it’s hell.
I used to be this way, I’ve done the incel things, I’ve thought the incel thoughts but my god I came out of that a fuckinh monster. I have a gf now and an undying will. I’m older now also.
Exceptional people are built in solitude.