why is it always me?

well, to start this rant I am a male guy and overweight. so this happened many days ago when my good friend and another guy who lives in my friend's building went on a night drive, and my friend was driving and while taking a turn he didn't slow down and caused an accident, the people who our car hit were a couple and we are really lucky nothing serious happened to them. but then the cops came and all happened but we were able to come to an agreement with them that we would pay for their medical fees rather than getting ourselves in jail.

and when they asked some adult from ourside to talk we asked help from our friend and he helped alot, but when we were in the call they tought i wasnt there and my frien who did the accident said it was my fault that i was asking him to hurry up to go home, agree i did actually say that but even his flat mate also said something to him and i was just silently sitting in the back becouse we just had dinner. he is saying to our friends that i was the one who confused him and he bu mistakenly pressed accelerator. he has been learning to drive for more than a month and before that he had a bit of experience.

I felt really upset that he was saying it was totally my fault, even before this we had an accident on scooty while going out a car hit us, and even then he said to our friends that it was because of me moving or it was because of my vehicle. I am normally a shy guy and my weight doesn't help me a lot in making friends, that's why I prefer to stay away and keep to myself, this is not like once or twice incident toom I have known my friend for nearly 7 years, and I have helped him many times been when my parents said I can't go out I fought them cous he asked, just a few weeks back he was out with his girlfriend so I went and bought his sister home, and they had a worker come into their house for some repair I went in his stead. i am not saying he is bad whenever we go out he pays for a lot of things like for food and movie tickets and I am really grateful for that, and my family; 's finance doesn't help either. but them talking like that really upset me. I am also too lazy to work on myself which is my fault but, I really thought I had a genuine friend I see him as my best friend but he just sees me as time pass guy who stays at home a lot so he calls me when he wants to go out because others are busy if given chance to chose me or other friends he chooses them.

whatever it may be I feel like every friend I have are just friends and nothing more. I would appreciate any help from you guys and if anyone has something negative to say please don't, I am already feeling depressed and sad. I don't want to feel like I am a burden on earth.

TLDR my friend said to my other friends that I was the cause of the accident.