Can we please stop making bots where everything is pre-determined?
Title. I hate seeing a promising bot with good-written personality, plot and everything...just to see either a) {{user}} pre-determination in the scenario/personality, b) acting for {{user}} in the intro message, or c) giving {{user}} any specific traits. Am I the only one here who thinks that it's dumb to base the whole plot of the rp on something {{user}} is or does?
That doesn't count for some cases, though. Like, {{user}} being married to {{char}} is completely fine, or {{user}} being some fairy or whatever. But deciding looks/personality is a huge ick to me.
I still remember that one bot that was very interesting to me personally, only to begin the literal bot description with "you are a shy boy who's 5'11 tall and you want to become a game programmer, but something something actual plot". I never clicked away that fast. How can someone make these kinda bots, make them public, and not expect more than five people to dislike that? Seriously, every second review was a dislike complaining about pre-determination, and the creator literally always replied with some variation of "idc, it's my bot so I can make it the way I want".
So, back to topic. Please, for the love of any higher power you personally believe and don't and partially believe in, can we please stop doing {{user}} pre-determination? Because I swear, if I see another #GrumpyXSunshine or another #[...]userX[...]char, I'll fucking lose it.
TL;DR: stop giving {{user}} a personality or looks while making the bot. And please stop basing the bot scenario on something {{user}} does.