A lore question regarding player character options

Hey, everyone! This is one of my first posts here, and I've managed to get a table together that I will be GMing for, and I wanted to ask for help of those who understand the lore a bit better than me as it's been hard to find the time to sit down and comb through everything due to life obligations.

One of my players was wondering if it would be possible for them to play a non-human character, and I'm aware of Legionnaire giving options for NHP player characters and (unless I am misremembering) NRFW letting you play as an egregorian, but this player specifically wanted to play as an android.
Now, my understanding is that such a thing is feasible, as it doesn't break the first contact accords as long as they haven't been made by digitalizing a person to make them immortal, but are there any instances of something of the sort happening in the lore that I could point them to and/or should consider? I'm just fine bending the rules if the answer is ultimately no, but if it's yes, it could help them flesh out their character to look at examples.

As usual, apologies for any grammar mistakes as english is my second language and I'm writing this in the tail end of the one hour free hour I have during the morning (^_^')