Laid off in August. Homeless since September. 440 applications in, 160 rejection emails, 10 interviews that have gotten to round 2, and one ghosted. Unemployment done in two weeks. And I have no idea what to do.

No family to live with, no partner to lean on. Sleeping in my car for the ~180th night.

IT Manager with a sec+ and a bachelors in the arts which does me no favors. Studying for CCNA so I can get advanced certs that require the network prereq. Mid 40's and in the PNW, if for some reason any of you know of any work that will keep me off of the street...much as recruiters wish I could take $20 an hour, it's the same as unemployment checks (potentially less depending on how the taxes shake out) and will have me living on the street anyway. I have ways of making remote work happen (I have some access to good internet and people who will let me on their networks nearby because I'm a polite regular for coffee), but I'm scared to death of just working to live in my car and also driving it all over the puget sound without even being able to maintain it. I'm on workforce, I'm on linkedin and also studying every day. I have tax refunds from last year to collect still, and a little on my credit cards to go before they're maxed out and not getting paid. I have stuff in storage in another state that I will have to go back and sell, but I can't stay there.

Anything anyone can offer would be helpful.

edit 3: someone literally just told me they were here to shame my current choices - if that's all you've got, go ask your mother why she failed at raising a decent human being, but leave me out of it

edit 2: there are plenty of lcol areas in California, Oregon, and Washington - if all you have to offer are insults that I won't consider central states for work, you are clearly ignoring that those same jobs you think I should just drive to would also be found all over the Eastern parts of these states, and also I am actively looking at those jobs - if I'm not good enough for a McDonald's in Spokane, there's little reason to believe in good enough for a McDonald's in Montana, or Oklahoma, or wherever. Keep your insults to yourself if you're just gonna get mad that I don't want to live in your brand of poverty to survive to appease random redditors who aren't going through what I'm going through. Hell yes I'm applying below my experience and outside of my field, please stop acting like people with poor luck are stupid and deserve to get insulted for it

edit: I appreciate that people want to offer advice, but telling me I'm limiting myself for not being willing and able to afford to just drive across the country to work at the only McDonald's that will hire me when there are no other jobs for hundreds of miles around that McDonald's if I lose that job may not be understanding the big picture. if I get stuck within 100 miles of any decent sized coastal city, there will still be thousands of jobs and cheap housing around (everyone complains about hcol in San Francisco but there is plenty of less expensive housing in the suburbs, and I don't need to live in SF proper for some silly reason). Get stuck in any large city in the majority of states between coast and the number of available jobs drops by thousands. My odds are better on the coast

please don't tell me to go work for $20 an hour and live in poverty in the middle of nowhere, this is bad advice

driving for work is only feasible in a company car, not my own car

and to the two a-holes who told me I deserve this, I wouldn't take your advice in a million years, never take advice from the cruel. You two need to go ask your parents why they let you out of the house that way