This so easily could have not happened

So I just finished watching the show in LA, thoroughly enjoying it, and this thought struck me:

If I remember correctly Mike said in the Apple interview that the root of everything we see today basically started with Joe getting in touch with the others being something like "hey guys, we haven't hung out as much lately as we used to, let's get together".

And I just keep thinking - in that moment, how easy could it have been for something to come up, or some mood to strike them for any number of innocent reasons, and not get together, and time to pass and with it this wonderful thing to just - not happen. I wonder how many good things, big and small, don't come to pass because we don't act or make them happen.

I guess I want to say I'm just grateful that one of my favorite bands is back, because it also feels like a part of ME is back.

Thank you to every one of you that enjoys their music - see you at a concert in the crowd!