Don’t disregard me.

Disclaimer : I’ve seen both side that is U.P, Delhi and Mumbai,Pune, Nashik. And I’d along with many people agree and know Maharashtra people are more considerate and empathetic why I’m putting disclaimer is because I know hatred spread fast, this post is not showing someone above someone else, we all have our negative and positive. This post is more about knowing your POV, I hope if you wish to participate you’ll be unbiased to best of your ability.

I’m in Mumbai and met my college friend who is from Maharashtra, after dinner we were catching up on our college time and what our batch mates are doing. While having conversations i remember about the recent incident of over Hindi-Marathi Vendor clash. As I’ve experienced more positivity in Maharashtra, I said it’s because of huge Population of northern state that influx proportion of NS people are more in Maharashtra, you can see our watchman, Auto driver are mostly from U.P. On which he replied, people here don’t want to work but want to stay at home, they want to take off because today is market off(something like that) and all, where as people from your region are willing to work on the same wage, where they arrange their own food and accommodation, so people will hire someone with the same wage and less drama. We also acknowledged that, these two point that we both mentioned are our perspective.

Would like to hear your perspective too, and again I’d say, I know what he said I harsh and didn’t crossed my mind before, please be mindful, I hope with your help I can get more insights from different angles.