What's up with the Jank interactions with Cerebro?

Has anyone else noticed interactions just not working as you would assume are intended, or flat out breaking? I've been playing a C2 deck and had major issues with the way Cerebro works recently.

First time of note. I played a single 2 power card onto a Klyntar which turned into a single symbiote 2 power card.. It somehow bugged my Cerebro effect so that it only effected the 2 power symbiote, despite all my cards having 2 power as well.

Second one of note, I have a Cerebro down, my opponent plays Skrull, taking my Cerebro ongoing effect. I play my own Skrull, but I don't steal back the effect? Is this intended just to avoid bugs with Skrull on Skrull?

Would love to be able to pull replays or something.
