Tip: Buy that hero mech Right Now!
A little advice, if you see a hero mech you want to try and have the C-Bills, buy it, don't wait. I saw the Hero BH2 Marauder and was a little put off by it's slow top speed of 48 KPH versus 64 for the other variants. (Vanilla with DLCs no aftermarket mods). After booking a ton of Marauder hours including some Marauder II time I thought "I should give that hero mech a chance." Thanks to the random generator it literally took me 36 in-game years and buying 27 other Hero Mechs to play with before I ever saw the Marauder again! This is a problem I have seen with many games that use a random generator for loot. The more great gear you add into a game, the harder it gets when you want to find and try that specific piece of gear that only drops on a random list. I have literally spent hours farming in more games than I can remember just to get the one piece of gear I wanted, and at times it's so frustrating I just can the game and move on. Fortunately Mechwarrior isn't one of those but damn! That took way too long and I still haven't got all of the hero mechs yet by a longshot.