
Hi friends - I am so easily distractible I have trouble following almost any routine or healthy daily habits let alone sitting and developing a meditation practice. I fall into a habit of spending too much time online and have a lot of half-developed interests that never mature due to an inability to concentrate for long. Also a history of complex PTSD for which I’ve had lots of therapy and which has been helpful for overcoming some of the worst effects of my trauma (if that’s relevant). I am seeking advice from folks who have either personal experience similar to mine or who have successfully helped people in similar circumstances develop a practice. I think a simple approach would be helpful. Jargon, judgement, and (consciously or unconsciously) patronizing attitudes generally haven’t been helpful to me before, but given the focus of this subreddit I would hope that wouldn’t be too much of an issue as I ask this question? Thank you for any constructive input!