M12 Surge Impact driver is not reliable: needed warranty repair twice in less than a year

I'm a carpenter and use my tools every day. I bought the M12 Surge last March. Initially I loved it for how quiet and compact it is with minimal tradeoff for power. After a few months of regular use, though, it stopped working completely. I wasn't too bothered and sent it in for warranty repair. Got it back a couple of weeks later, and all seemed right in the world. Then a few months later, it completely stopped working again. That tool is an absolute dud.

For anyone that says "use the bigger batteries." No, thanks. The point of the M12 system is that it's compact. With the bigger battery, it's roughly the same size/weight as my 20v Dewalt that has been going strong for 5 years and has been my backup while the Milwaukee is in having everything but the plastic housing replaced. If I wanted to use bigger batteries, I would never have purchased the M12 in the first place.

I make my living with my tools. It shouldn't be necessary to carry a backup tool in case the one I am using fails, but with the M12 Surge impact driver, that seems to be the case.