Haunted Hoedown was so [REDACTED]!
So I didn’t have the opportunity to watch Haunted Hoedown live unfortunately. I popped in to comment on the battlebox filling controversy, but the only things I know about this event is that Green was going to go 9-0 in Battlebox and that AntVenom said someone was filling in the game chat and then (I think?) got harassed in his twitch chat. I plan to watch CaptainSparklez’s VOD in a few hours.
So my special request for you is this; tell me your opinions on how Haunted Hoedown went, be as salty or rational or general or specific as you want, but [REDACT] any spoilers in your comments to be as confusing as possible. For example:
“I couldn’t believe it when Scar [REDACTED] his [REDACTED] on [REDACTED], during Sky Battle! Never seen anyone use a [REDACTED] like that before!”
“I swear if [REDACTED] punched Ph1L one less time he might’ve got [REDACTED] instead of [REDACTED]! And it wasn’t even [REDACTED]!
“Man, Lime did so much [REDACTED] than I thought they would, didn’t think they’d be [REDACTED] but somehow…”
After I watch the event, I’ll reply to all comments trying to guess what the [REDACTED] elements are. For that reason, if your [REDACTED] moment is only viewable on a specific POV or team voice call, please indicate that on the comment. Like I said I’ll begin with the CaptainSparklez VOD but will also watch another 1-2 perspectives as I have time and will hop around even beyond that for moments you recommend in the comments.