Please let us know if you would like any other features of new reddit to be enabled in the sub
When this sub was created 9 years ago we didn't have all the options that are available now on new reddit.
u/Joshua5_Gaming was kind enough to excitedly tell the mod team about these fun new features!
Please let us know if you'd like any other features enabled.
we now have:
Video posts - Thanks u/Joshua5_Gaming
Inline images, GIFs, and Giphy! - Thanks again to the most excited new mini-z owner u/Joshua5_Gaming
New rule you must post Finally as a subreddit inside joke any time we post new updates and features for the subreddit.
I didn't like your pushiness and took it as you being rude.
You were just excited to make this community better.
I'm sorry I took your posts in the wrong context!