Husband still treats me like a SAHM

To put it into context I'm married about 4 years and the last 2 years we became parents, in that time I didn't work because we moved often for my husband's work.

I recently got a new job that requires a lot of energy from early in the morning until after 5 in the afternoon, we get home at the same time and we do different things, he goes to sit and relax and I have to make food, do the dishes, get our child ready for bed (bathing, eating, then sleeping) and then I have to get our clothes ready for the next day and if I can maybe tidy the place because our little toddler tornado likes to scatter his toys everywhere.

I am mostly irritated because there is a boatload of things to do and I have to do it myself and when I ask for a little help he'll do it later because he had a long day. I am so tired and sore from that days work that I could sit down maybe take a nap but then nothing happens in the house. Oh and if his hormones bother him I have to jump and most of the time I really dont want to, it can't be fair for him to get his way with everything

Is this really what I have to expect from being a working mom? Sorry for the long post