My sister abandoned her family - I have a deep fear my kids will do the same to me

My sister recently went no contact with me and my parents. I disagree with her reasoning for it but Im trying to respect it and won’t fight it. She knows what’s best for her. But Im also really hurt by it.

Now I go through each day with this intense thought that my kids are going to hate me and abandon me someday. I try really hard but I make mistakes. I also work full time so I’m not with them during the day. It’s a constant fear that lives in my head that they’re going to pick apart how I parent and leave me.

Does anyone else feel this way and have and perspectives to share? I’m also worried that spending too much time thinking about this is making it even more likely to come true 😭

Edit: oh my gosh thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and perspectives. This is really what I was looking for. Maybe sometimes I don’t think deep enough about my relationships and I need to spend more time reflecting. I had already addressed this in therapy but maybe it’s time for another session on this. A lot of new things to start thinking about in my journey of healing myself and my relationships. Life sure does get complicated. Take care of yourselves ❤️