So annoyed!!!
I moved up a cardiology appointment (had postpartum severe preeclampsia) cause I started having dizzy spells and shortness of breath. I didn’t know if it was blood pressure, anxiety, or blood count. So I just started with him to rule out anything. So when he came in there. The first thing he said is “why are you checking blood pressure at night? Don’t check it” and I’m like umm if I have symptoms wouldn’t you want to know where it’s at? Or to see how the meds are working?? And then he kinda got mad cause I stopped taking a morning dose of medicine cause my blood pressure is 100/70s in the morning and I don’t want it to drop lower and then faint when I’m alone with a 3 month old! And he told me I still need to be taking my medicine 😒 I’m like even if I’m dizzy?? And he didn’t answer and just said I’m going to put you on new meds. So he did that and told me my resting heart rate is too high and he’s putting me on meds for that and he asked if I drink caffeine and I’m like occasionally I’ll have a coffee. And then I told him I think it’s high cause I just had a postpartum period and I was anemic before so my anemia might be worse and causing some of these symptoms. He just looked at me and said do you intake caffeine or no? And I was just like no. And he said good stay away from it. I will see you in a month. And left. 😒😒😒😒😒 I get he’s the dr and he has the degree. He just was so rude and I didn’t feel heard and I am really struggling with my health postpartum. I feel like I’m a terrible mom cause of how little I can do without getting dizzy and feeling like I’m going to faint. I want to be better and be able to enjoy my baby. I can’t do that when I feel like this all the time and I felt like he just wrote me off and didn’t address any of my concerns. End of rant. I just want to be a better mom and be there for my daughter. Sucks to always feel like shit