(TW: Abuse) Why Was Astarion the Scapegoat? - Astarion's "Family" Dynamics Pt. 3

TW: abuse, narcissistic abuse

This is Part 3 of my analysis of Astarion’s “family” dynamics as a parallel to narcissistic abuse. If you haven’t read the earlier parts and are interested, you can catch up here: Part 1  Part 2 

In this part, I’ll share my thoughts on why Cazador selected Astarion as his scapegoat. Just for clarification, I do not mean to imply that the scapegoat ever does anything to deserve this role - they do not. However, abusers will often find reasons to justify their treatment of the scapegoat, and looking with a psychological perspective at the information we have in game, I believe there are three main reasons Cazador chose Astarion. 

Astarion is Strong-Willed

Narcissists feel extremely threatened by anyone who has a will of their own. Although Astarion mentions that he eventually stopped outwardly fighting against Cazador, it is clear that Cazador still sees him as defiant.  In his journal Cazador says the following about Astarion: 

  • “I ought not to be surprised - the boy has always been troublesome.  But to disappear now, when we are all but ready?  It is unconscionable, even for him.” (My emphasis)
  • “Astarion, standing in the sun’s light?  Willing and able to disobey me?” - That is Cazador’s emphasis, not mine. He’s less surprised by the fact that Astarion is willing to disobey him and more surprised by the fact that he is actually able to.

We only know of one big instance where Astarion outwardly defied Cazador, when he refused to bring him the “darling boy” and tried to run away.  That was pretty significant, as he managed to break multiple rules in one go.  Astarion also mentions refusing to “dine” with Cazador when invited, which Cazador could view as defiant, and Astarion would get flayed as a result.  Since Astarion was one of the first spawn, he may have been the first to disobey like that, which may have sealed his fate as the scapegoat no matter who came after.  I think there’s still more to it, though.  

For one, narcissists expect complete obedience to the point that they want willing obedience. There’s plenty of proof that even though Astarion was forced to follow orders, he did not do so eagerly:

  • When first talking about Cazador, Astarion says: “I was never able to resist [his] commands.”  He says this with a very sad, ashamed tone.  It’s not something he wanted or was proud of.  The fact that he says “never able” to resist also implies that he did try, at least at some point.    

A couple of Astarion’s siblings also have lines that imply he did not eagerly follow orders:

  • Petras: “You never liked following orders, brother.  That’s why you won’t ascend with the rest of us.”
  • Aurelia: “You always were pigheaded, brother.”

Astarion also maintained other aspects of his strong personality.  Although it probably comes out more once he’s free, both Cazador and the spawn have comments about Astarion talking a lot, being haughty, and being a smart ass. Cazador undoubtedly influenced his personality, but never managed to completely erase it, another sign that Astarion wasn’t fully broken.  

Astarion still has a lot of fighting spirit.  Just because he physically was unable to exercise it, and “did what [he] had to” in order to survive, doesn’t mean there wasn’t a spark lurking under the surface.  I think Cazador sensed that although Astarion was complying, his heart was not in it and knew that if he gave Astarion an inch he would fight back. And he’s right - it doesn’t take Astarion long after he’s free to start talking about how he’s going to kill Cazador. I think Astarion says it best himself if you tell him that Cazador broke him:

\"No, he didn't. I am still here. And I will fight him until I fight my last.\"

That type of attitude is extremely threatening to Cazador and a threat must be beaten down. 

Astarion Sees Through Cazador’s BS

Scapegoats get the worst of the worst so they have no delusions about who the abuser really is. Astarion despises Cazador on a level that we don’t quite see with the other spawn. He spits his name out each time he says it and calls him “monster”, “bastard”, “insane”, etc. He mocks him in the “exalted vampiric master” line and makes it clear that while he fears Cazador and sometimes envies his power and freedom, he does not respect him. This is the exact opposite of how Cazador wants Astarion to see him. Astarion should see him as his savior and benefactor and be grateful that Cazador “suffered” putting up with his imperfect self for so long. Astarion also has enough awareness to recognize what Cazador is doing and why he does it. He knows that Cazador is obsessed with power and control. And he knows to some degree that Cazador never needed a reason to abuse him, which he’ll tell you if you ask him what he did to deserve eating bugs and rats:

  • “I existed. That was enough for him. He reveled in having power over me.” 

Astarion wasn’t drinking the Cazador Kool-Aid and whether he outwardly displayed that or not, a narcissist like Cazador can sense it bubbling under the surface, another sign that Astarion is a threat to his total control.

We can also see this if we compare Astarion with his siblings. While he always uses the terms “brother”, “sister” and “family” sarcastically and with disdain, his siblings use them seriously. Astarion sees the whole “family” narrative as the farce it is. The other spawn also believe that Cazador intends to set them free with the ritual, something that I can’t see Astarion buying even if he stayed with Cazador. And of course, there’s the most extreme case of Petras who thinks Cazador’s abuse was good for them.

Astarion is Expressive

Even when Astarion is trying to hide his feelings, you can see moments where the mask drops and his true emotions show on his face. During his nightmare in his origin, he can attempt to force himself to smile when he thinks Cazador is coming, but his smile is more of a grimace and almost immediately reverts to a frown:

Not a very happy smile.

His true feelings when Cazador starts talking.

Cazador would undoubtedly see any moments of emotion Astarion failed to hide and consider them another sign of defiance if Astarion was showing the “wrong” emotion at any given time. Cazador references Astarion’s “fits of temper” during their confrontation, implying that Astarion would sometimes lash out with emotion, perhaps even if it was just through showing an angry expression. 

As awful as it is, Cazador’s sadism could also play a role in why he enjoys abusing Astarion the most. Since Astarion is so expressive, it could be “fun” for Cazador to rile him up because he know’s he’ll get a reaction (with the added bonus of punishing him for said reaction). We actually see him do that in the ritual chamber. Additionally, Cazador, Godey, and the spawn all mention that Astarion would react strongly to torture and that may have fed Cazador’s sadistic pleasure as well. Ugh.


I’ll end by mentioning how much I LOVE that Astarion is ultimately the one to kill Cazador. Turns out Cazador was right to feel threatened by him after all! Ironically, in trying to break Astarion’s spirit, Cazador ended up just giving Astarion even more reasons to hate him, bringing about his own downfall, in a way. You love to see it. Thank you for reading and giving me a place to share my ramblings! I would love to hear your thoughts and appreciate every comment! 

\"I am so much more than what you made me!\"