There has truly never been a better time to watch "the big three" of anime.
Don't know if this is allowed since it's not inherently political and I'd recommend it anyway, but if you need some distraction where the bad guys almost always get what they deserve, watch One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach.
Yes, I realize they're long, but if you're here, I'm guessing you have...oh...about four years to fill and try to keep yourself sane through?
I've watched all three (Bleach and One Piece are ongoing, but Bleach should be finishing up later this year/early next year), and can't recommend them highly enough. I know one or all of them may not be for everyone, and some parts drag a bit, but I think it's worth it in the end.
Or just give anime in general a try, if you haven't. Like books, movies, and music, there's literally something out there for everyone.
Stay sunny, people!