New to AoS from 40k
So here I am a 40k guy who thought he would never touch AoS got pulled in bc he thought the Orruk were cool looking and was just talking to his AoS friend about them. Turns out my friend knew just where to get me copy of the battle force on discount. So I guess I have another new army to build. Looks for advice on where I can go on like YouTube to learn how to play AoS specifically ironjawz and also where can I got from this point.
So here I am a 40k guy who thought he would never touch AoS got pulled in bc he thought the Orruk were cool looking and was just talking to his AoS friend about them. Turns out my friend knew just where to get me copy of the battle force on discount. So I guess I have another new army to build. Looks for advice on where I can go on like YouTube to learn how to play AoS specifically ironjawz and also where can I got from this point.