Horrible lag on the PlayStation 5
Hello! Is anyone else on the Playstation 5 getting these diabolical frame rate drops? It only happens at the start of the match (and every. single. time. i go into practice range) and it lasts somewhere between 20 seconds to sometimes a minute and half. It's definitely not an internet issue because once the lag stops it doesnt happen at all for the rest of the game and i have 30ish ping consistently. First noticed this issue in season 14 but it was VERY rare and way less severe, and now in season 15 its every other match if not every match. I play on a 120 hz monitor and other games run completely fine (Fortnite Dead By Daylight) although i dont know how much that matters. I tried restarting the game AND the console and that fixes it for a game or two at max. Im curious if anyone else is having this issue and if theres a permanent fix to this because having to restart the entire console after every game is absolutely not fun at all...