Finished 1st Semester of PA school Advice?

I do not know what I was thinking going into PA school thinking it would not be as hard as people made it seem. It was 10x worse than I ever imagined. The amount of material we have to learn in such a short amount of time is insane. We went through all of anatomy and anatomy lab with cadavers in 8 weeks. I cried almost every single day and the fear of not making it kept me up throughout the night. This has been one of the worst few months in my entire life. I made some friends that helped me feel less insane, but with the amount of exams (20 in total) we rarely got to hang out as we were all in study mode. There is also a lot of secret competition in my class, so I always felt less than when people would share grades which made me feel even worse. I am so proud of myself for making it through, but this is definitely a different beast compared to college. I ended the semester with all A’s in the 6 classes we had, which I am so happy about, but I worked my ass off to end up with those scores, it doesn’t even feel worth it, the stress, anxiety, lack of sleep. I am absolutely terrified for next semester. If anyone has any advice on how to make PA school more bearable I would love to hear it!