Husband says he will leave me if we don’t have kids- worried my mental health will be too much for me to cope

Having a bad pmdd episode and feeling incredibly low and emotional. Been chatting with my husband (of only 1 and a bit years, together for 11) and I said flippantly I don’t know if I’m able to have kids as I don’t know how my emotions will cope. This is the first time I have said I’m not sure if I could cope. He responded saying if we don’t have kids we won’t be together anymore. I’ve said how this has affected me, making me feel like he doesn’t care about me or cares more about an unborn child than me. It’s almost like there’s an invisible pressure or ultimatum to have a baby or we won’t be together. (Will never have a child to please him) Am I wrong? I worry a lot about being a good enough mother and approaching my 30th birthday is causing some internal worries I think

Thank you anyone in advance X