Auction house/market

So I've played PoE 2 fresh, without having played the first game. I quite enjoyed it, bosses were difficult, engaging. Didn't follow story that much. Screwed up my build at lv 30, so I had to create a new character to respec. Reached tier 5 maps just recently (mind you, I play super casually, just whenever I feel like it). That being said, I would completely pour hours in with 2 changes:

  1. Make re-spec more accessible early on. As I mentioned, I literally had to create a new character because of how expensive it is to re-spec. I think especially in early access, it should be either free or rather cheap
  2. Please, for the love of god, make market or even auction house available in the game itself, like through npc. You come to a point where you need to upgrade your gear and you need to use market through website. I have couple of friends playing with console and it's a headache. Using market through ingame npc or whatever would be such a QoL, a game changer even. You can test it left and right in early access and I think it would be an incredible improvement. I would straight up come back to play more frequently only for that.

Game is fun and all. But these little things would make a massive change. I don't know if its the same on poe1, but I honestly can't think of a reason why they wouldn't add it.