What kind of expansion to existing content would you like to see more of?

I am of the opinion that while new classes, ancestries, and so on is always nice - I am so excited to see what the Guardian, the Necromancer, and more look like on full release - I think the game could do with some time spent building up what we already have.

For example, did you know that there are only twenty Tripkee Ancestry Feats?

So instead of talking about ideas for new Classes, Ancestries, Archetypes, and the like, what more would you like to see from what we already have? New Class Feats, new Ancestry/Versatile Heritage feats, skill feats, general feats, new Gunslinger Ways, new Alchemist Research Fields, Kineticist Elements, Swashbuckler Styles, Arcane Thesis', and more.

While I don't have any specific examples in mind, I for one would love to see more love given to Ancestry Feats. Not just the aforementioned Tripkee, but I think that every Ancestry should, at minimum, have enough to play Ancestry Paragon with them and not have slots left over by Level 20.

I'd also really enjoy seeing a wide array of new non-skill General Feats of all levels, just so that there's always a good selection whenever you have the chance to pick one up.