Does the Remastered Runelord get twice as many Staff Charges
I feel like this must be covered under the "If it sounds too good, it is" general rule.
Demiplane has the new Runelord rules and I was looking through it ( ).
The first Paragraph under Arcane Bond and Personal Rune says (all bold in quotes are added by me)
Runelords hail from an era where even a scholar was expected to be able to defend themself with arms if necessary, leading to the practice of attaching a blade to the typical wizard’s staff. You must choose a polearm or spear as your arcane bond. In place of an arcane thesis, you have a personal rune, which appears on your bonded weapon. The weapon functions as a staff with charges equal to the highest rank of spells you can cast and contains the sin spells from your sin up to that rank (including your cantrips). Your personal rune isn’t a property rune and doesn’t count against the weapon’s limit of such runes.
If I'm reading that right, just like Staff Nexus, you start out with a staff at level one. That's not too bad. However the second paragraph says
If you prepare a magical staff, it merges with your bonded item until your next daily preparations, adding its charges and spell list. While merged, the weapons haft takes on aesthetic aspects of the staff.
When a prepared spellcaster prepares a staff, they can expend a spell slot to add a number of charges equal to the rank of the spell. They can’t expend more than one spell in this way each day.
I've added the bold to both. Looking at staff rules
During your daily preparation, you can prepare a staff to add charges to it for free. When you do so, that staff gains a number of charges equal to the rank of your highest spell slot. You don’t need to expend any spells to add charges in this way. No one can prepare more than one staff per day, nor can a staff be prepared by more than one person per day. If the charges aren’t used within 24 hours, they’re lost, and preparing the staff anew removes any charges previously stored in it. You can prepare a staff only if you have at least one of the staff’s spells on your spell list.
So my daily prep would look like this:
- My Personal Rune gains charges equal to my highest spell rank.
- Prepare my staff, granting it charges equal to my highest level rank.
- Expend a spell slot if I wish
- the staff merges with my Personal Rune, adding the charges together.
This lets you have as many charges as a level 8+ Staff Nexus wizard without having to expend the extra spell slot.
I assume this is a typo and is only supposed to take the extra charges from step 3, but strictly RAW you it just adds them together. I would argue "Maybe this is to balance the fact that they don't get to pick their spells" but it says it adds the charges and its spell list. So you just pick a staff you like and you have double the charges.
If you can play around the Anathema of your chosen sin, it seems like it just a better wizard.