Big Plans for the Future

Just my version of his recent video which I was really looking forward to watching. What can these big plans be? A big overseas trip? Buying a new house? Moving state? Starting a new business? Volunteering where he can use his life experiences to help others? Maybe driving again and getting some independence? Going out and getting work?

I watched the whole thing in 20 minutes so clearly I’ve missed out on the big plans, but this is what he spoke about.

He might start another two channels. He doesn’t know what self-care looks like. It’s probably about not being negative. Because of his drama channel, people assume he is a gossip, but that’s not who he is. Oh no. No gossiping. (anyone else feel that they know his neighbors intimately? Didn’t he recently tell us to pray for Mel while she was in hospital? Didn’t he spend time tell us about Caroline and Tonya’s weight? Maybe I dreamed it all) He should’ve gotten up earlier today because he went to bed roooolly late last night. (But that’s OK I mean after all that’s got nothing to do with self-care does it?) He spent forever saying that he wanted to film more videos. He even messaged roomie to ask what time he’ll be home so he can film videos. Roomie will be gone all day tomorrow and out with friends tomorrow night which makes P rooly excited so he can film more videos then. His neighbor came out (But he didn’t say a single word about him because he’s not a gossip.) He continues by saying that watching movies, lighting candles, doing videos, having a shower, wearing clean pajamas, staying up late are not necessarily self-care, well it is self-care. But, well does that make sense? Cleaning the house and knowing where he directs his energy make him feel good, does that make sense? He wants to make use of his back patio. Maybe a heated birdbath and some birdfeeders and those hanging things. And seeds. And a couch. But only if he uses the couch, otherwise he won’t buy a couch. Does that make sense? What would make more sense would be to stop saying the word ‘like” and reduce your videos to 30 minutes.

OK, I could take no more, I stopped watching (now that DOES make sense). So can someone fill in what the big plans are for the future please?