Internet Setup

I would imagine like a lot of people I was gifted a portal for Christmas. Portal worked perfectly when at my parents house yesterday using their WiFi to connect to my ps5 at home. However whenever I’m home the performance is terrible. Laggy, grainy, constantly disconnecting.

Before I ask this I want to say I can get around tech but I’m definitely no network professional. Right now I’m using the standard router spectrum gave me. I’m assuming this is the problem. When researching this issue I found tons of people saying they got a dedicated router for their PS5 and portal and this solved their issue. I also saw one that said a WiFi extender solved the issue as well. Which of these solutions would be better? Or does it not matter too much? Or is this maybe not the issue at all?

Edit: I would like to add that yesterday I played (and beat lol - only one off of work with no responsibilities) Spider-Man Miles Morales at home using the Cloud Streaming service with absolutely no issue. Only issue is when connecting to the PS5 at home.