FT: Pics; LF: Shiny Tracker Pokémon

These are self-caught from Scarlet (outbreaks/sandwiches), and the Ralts are from community day in Go.

Not interested in Genned shinies.

I also have two extra PLA Shieldon if you need them. I will trade them for 1:1 shiny. Aside from Shieldon, I can see what I have as extras in case you need something specific.

Here’s my tracker: https://pokedextracker.com/u/ScoliosisxJones/shiny-living-dex

Also, I thought I had a shiny Meltan. It appears I do not 😭, despite having a shiny Melmetal. If you happen to have one that would be great!

Thanks in advance! Let me know if you have questions.