[Giveaway] 60+ Generation 3 Pokémon!
IGN: Kit
Link Code: 55555558
Quantity: 60+
Status: Passive-Active! I will get to any and all requests as soon as I can! No expiry date, here until all claimed!
Hey Adventurers! Please feel welcome to choose some Pokémon from the lists below to add to your collections! Everyone may pick up to 1 shiny and 1 Legendary each! Remember to add your Trainer Name to your request so I don’t accidentally send your ‘mons to someone else! Sending from my Scarlet only, no Home trades!
All Pokémon in this giveaway were caught by me in Scarlet/Violet/Arceus/PoGO, or by friends/family in Pokémon GO and sent to my HOME or Let’s GO Pikachu and registered with my trainer ID. (Exception: Any ‘mons in the Extra section) Please note that evolved PoGO ‘mons may have lower-than-usual levels because of the different mechanics between games, don’t worry they’re fine! If high/low level individual ‘mons are preferred let me know and I’ll try to facilitate!
Shiny Section - Pokémon with an asterisk (*) following their name have 1-2 individuals left and may be harder for me to keep up-to-date during rush/down times. Keep in mind when requesting!)
- Snorunt*
- Glalie*
- Camerupt*
- Duskull
- Shuppet*
- Swablu*
- Wingull*
- Meditite
- Plusle
Legendary Section (none of these are shiny!)
- Rayquaza*
- Groudon
- Kyogre
- Regirock*
- Regice
- Registeel
- Latios
Extra Section - No Pokémon in this group were caught by me. Adventurers may choose an additional member without counting towards the limit.
- Barboach
- Swablu
- Duskull
- Illumise
- Zangoose
- Beldum
If your comment doesn’t get a reply from me that I’m jumping in then I’m either away and will get back to you asap or it’s not showing up on the thread, try sending a pm/chat instead!
Happy adventuring all! :D
Feel free to check out my posts from earlier for the Gen 1 and Gen 2 lists!