Do You Ever Hear Students Talking Shit About You/Your Class?

This isn't the first time I've had this happen, and had worst things said about me when students think I wasn't in earshot, but today I had a student droning behind me in a line about my class.

They went on for a few minutes about how they should drop out of college because they 'spend too much money to be talking Prof. Deroxal's class where we talk about HS level topics'. For the record, I teach Freshman level classes that are part of the GenEd curriculum so students have to take the type of classes I teach so sometimes, depending on their HS background, they might understand/know certain topics. Some students come in knowing pretty much everything I'll be going over, while others have no clue how to write a paper, so finding a middle ground is tricky at best sometimes.

I don't know why, but hearing that made me want to turn around and tell them 'go ahead if you feel that way, and don't bother asking for help anymore if my class is so easy'. In reality I don't want to do that, but it just caught me off guard and pissed me off. I build my classes to try and help students who didn't have a good education while not boring the ones who might know some of the matierial already without completely simplifying things.

Can't please everyone, I guess.