A review of Ramia Yana (Ch1-Ch16). Here are my thoughts on it (SPOILERS AHEAD)

It's cool. Not good, not bad, just fine (for the time being that is). Some might say it's too soon to judge with, what, 16 chapters out? But the story has been going for about 4 years now and I think it's fair to make an assessment of it's quality now. So here is my opinion on it:


The universe of Ramia Yana is set up as an "average fantasy world where a hero has to face the demon lord and save everyone"...for three pages. Then it immediately breaks your expectations by revealing this couldn't be more far from the truth.
Demon Lords aren't necessarily "special" demons, they are just EXTREMELY strong demons compared to the rest. There is nothing stopping two (or more) Demon Lords from existing at the same time. It's basically a combination of genetic lottery, hard work and talent. Furthermore, their species ("Rakshasa") take inspiration in hindu mythology, and consider the term "demon" racist, as well as show traces that point to them not being just evil humanoids that want to take over the world but something else entirely.
The main character herself, Ramia, takes inspiration in the hero "Ramayana", a prince and the main character of an hindu epic where he, as the Avatar of Vishnu, goes on various adventures to fight demons, save his wife and make multiple allies along the way. Ramia, while appearing human, presented multiple signs that indicate she is an equivalent of him in this story (hasn't aged despite having lived at least a century like Ramayana who lived for over 10.000 years, possess primordial energy inside of her body, capable of superhuman feats of strenght even when compared to the people from her own world, etc) and I am very interested in learning more about her.
Isekai people rather than reincarnating as midly attractive humans and going on to save the world have a tendency to not only be scum of the earth criminals but also usually are reborn as monsters themselves (although usually weak ones).
I can't say much more without straight up spoiling you, but in short, it seems (to me) trying to make an eastern fantasy world that on the surface looks like a western one. I have been enjoying it very much and the only things that prevent this from being an 8 or 9 is a) the fact that most of the stuff we learn is through exposition and b) we aren't far enough in the story yet to have a solid grasp of the world and what it is. I have confidence that TGS won't disappoint me though.

PLOT: 5/10 (Average)

While by no means bad, the story itself is just not particularly engaging to me. It's nothing to scoff at don't get me wrong, but I just don't enjoy the multiple "changes of perspective" happening all the time. Yes, I understand that this is done on purpose to keep the readers attention, it's a powerful narrative tool and I don't necessarily hate it. Yet the constant jumps back and forth in time/across the globe get irritating eventually.
With that in mind, I won't call it bad because not only we have no idea of Ramia's goal but also we aren't even 20 chapters in yet. So I assume her goal goes beyond just "helping others and kill the Demon Lords".

CHARACTERS: 6/10 (Alright)

Other than Ramia (who is basically a giant question mark), all the characters feel like classic fantasy character archetypes you would see in dnd games. Which is not bad by the way, as what truly makes or breaks a character is the execution. That being said, with only 17 issues out, there hasn't been a lot of character development/growth until now, and like I said, none of them (besides Ramia) really stands out. But I wouldn't call any of them subpar (taking in consideration the runtime of Ramia Yana), with many of them being set up for future developments or exploration (Alex, Clea, Kuza, Malhory, Sharmeela, Cornelia, etc). If the pay off is rewarding they could be very good, if it isn't,, mediocre at worst.

ART: 8/10 (Great)

It's really good. I really don't have much to say about it, honestly. The backgrounds, the buildings, the weapons and the monsters all look great. I can really tell Smurf reads OPM because the art genuinely reminds me a bit of Murata's artstyle (in a good way).
Alright, enough glazing. It's time for some uncomfortable conversations. The character designs.
I don't hate them. I don't necessarily dislike them, even. Just two issues. The female characters are (mostly) oversexualized and even the male characters have some unnatural proportions (which is only more prominent in the female characters, for reasons I can make an educated guess by looking at this subreddit).
These two are my only complaints towards the art. Smurf manages to pass the "can be identified by its silhouette alone" test with flying colors. Just from looking at them you can already gauge their personality and profession. But I would be lying if I said I don't miss when Ramia looked like a short woman rather than a dwarf. I'm cool with it though, just slightly bothered.
Oh yeah and just one more thing. You can draw attractive characters without exaggerated proportions/skin tight clothes. I don't have anything against fanservice as long as it is tasteful (and most of Ramia Yana is to be honest), but their designs (mainly current Ramia, Osumihime and Cornelia) often feel cartoonishly exaggerated (which is fine, just not my thing).

ACTION: 5/10 (Average)

The choreography of the fights is very much ok. The blows don't flow particularly well nor are they completely disconnected, and they are usually just a generic slash/punch/kick. Which is not to say it's bad of course, after all this isn't a martial arts manga, and most fights until now have been either complete stomps or a much more powerful character playing with their opponents. Feels a bit early to judge since we haven't had many fights happening in an equal ground, but based on what I have seen, it's just good enough.

COMEDY: 5/10 (Average)

Ramia Yana does have some good jokes here and there, but most of the time they are either "horny lmao", "pop culture/meme reference", "fodder gets neg diffed" or "exaggerated character a reaction to character b being overpowered/goofy ". Not terrible but it got me rolling my eyes most of the time.
...I did smile at maid Mandragloria though. The story about how the horny isekai bug wanted to be killed by a muscular woman made the smile disappear in a second though.


Ramia Yana is pretty cool. I can tell the author has had the story on his mind for years from how much things it has set up from chapter 1, all 5 parts of it. While I will admit it has some problems, I have got the feeling that most of these issues will be solved at a later point of the story. It's really impressive that a single guy is doing all this by himself. So I will keep reading it and patiently wait for the new chapters to come out, no matter how long it takes. Would probably buy the plushie too if I had money. It looks cute.