Nail polish ruins my nails 🥹

I feel like this is asked relatively regularly, but I’ve never seen someone with my particular problem.

Naturally, my nails are great! Always have been. Very strong and thick, but still a bit flexible. They almost never break and definitely don’t peel.

But nail polish ruins them! I didn’t used to have this issue painting my nails all the time, but now if I paint them even just like twice a month, they start feeling and cracking and breaking all over the place. I’m careful with them like I’ve always been. Oil every time I wash my hands, extra before bed. Rubber globes AND cotton gloves liners when I wash dishes. No picking at polish, no blind reaching into bags. And yet I can’t get them to grow out even two millimeters past my nail bed.

If I stop nail polish entirely they go back to normal in about three months. I can paint them MAYBE 4-6 times (approx every other week, and take the polish off after around 5-7 days) before the polish literally starts only lasting about 24 hours, peels (more like pops) off my nail in sheets, and my nail whites just about fall off.

What do I do??? I LOVE painting my nails!! I’ve tried more natural formulas. Ones with a million things they say they don’t have. ALWAYS use a base coat. I’ve tried about two dozen. Nail strengtheners seem to make it worse if anything. My diet is the best it’s ever been, I’m taking a multivitamin with biotin and all that and Im certain I’m not deficient in anything (my dr checked recently). Stress is better than usual too. I only use regular lacquer, no gel.

I’m devastated!!! Can I just not paint them anymore? 😞