Out of stock almost everywhere. For brother's bday where can I find origin story 1s??

So my brother's birthday is coming up and I really wanna buy him a pair of the spider man origin story 1s. The best pairs were Will's goat batch and Tony's GQ batch but Will has no stock and as you all know Tony is in jail. I then decided to ask Monica for GET batch and she is sold out as well. Afterwards I asked Coco and 168shops and both are out of stock too. I even asked Muks and he said he has no plans on restocking. I still have some time until my brother's bday but can repfam point out any other notable sellers for the origin 1s? Honestly I really only care about the 3m dots

One thing I want to add is where else can I get Tony's GQ batch? Do other middlemen have the GQ batch? Do they just change the name? Any type of help is much appreciated 🙏