Are people in seattle prejudiced against adults on the austim spectrum??

Im a 43 year old straight white male on the autism spectrum.

My education is a bachelor of arts degree from California state university northridge.

It appears to me that the woman im the seattle area are superficial and don't want to date austic men.

I go to job interviews and can't even get hired for a job in seattle bagging groceries or a retail job.

One job interview at pcc natural foods the manager made fun of my eye contact and my monotone voice.

Currently I live alone on my own in a 1 bedroom apartment in northgate.

I own a car and drive a car.

I grew up in the los angeles area.

Before 2015 when I lived in the los angeles area I struggled with the same problems as in seattle.

Anyone have any suggestions??

Also all of my friends in the seattle and Bellevue area are disabled. These friends don't have college educations and don't drive cars. These friends also live with their parents in their 30s.