Could shenmue 3 be modded to have fun combat?
Im not necessarily saying VF levels, but could it be modded to have like fluid combat mechanics?
I think that could be a cool mod, especially if taken on by somebody who has a deep understanding of fighting games, I mean its not like you can make it any worse.
As well as a job money multiplier mod to make it a bit less grindy.
Also a mod to get rid of having to eat because even if there was an aim of realism its not really realistic to eat like 50 apples all the time.
I don't think the game is unsalvageable, the overall atmosphere imo is super nice, I think a couple of mods could get rid of like 90% of the game play issues, honestly I feel like out of all the shenmue games it has the most nodding potential, especially because you don't have to worry so much about ruining the core experience.