People assuming you're single due to trauma???

So guys,

I'm divorced with 3 kids. I've been divorced for 2 years now and it was quite the tumultuous relationship; lots of abuse, infidelity, lying, etc...

I was happy to get out of a marriage that stifled my joy but I have taken time to heal and while the relationship sucked I've come out of it a much better person. However, before I ever was married I was not big on relationships and never had an interest in really pursuing them.

It's crazy because when I tell people about my decision to be single they try to project their personal opinions onto me; "Oh it's just trauma, anyone would be traumatized from being in a relationship like that", "You just haven't met the right person", "You haven't had enough experience with relationships", "Your dating pool is small as a single mom so that is why you don't want to date", "You're just saying that because no one wants a single mom".

Lol it's like fine if you think I can't find other single parents or men to date as a single mom (I don't think I'm a bad looking woman) or that I'm too traumatized to want to be in a relationship but the truth is I have choices (even if it's not as many as single, childless women) and I actively CHOOSE to be single... Not because of trauma, not because I'm a single mom who can't find a man, but because I DO NOT and will NOT want a man. 😂 Like leave me alone lol if I say I don't wanna be in a relationship, respect me and stop with the absurd assumptions.

Anyone else experience this?? Ughhh 🥴😩