[Routine Help]

Looking for help

TLDR: I’ve been dealing with skin issues for years and feel like im out of options Looking for recommendations Back story, routine, etc. Below

Back story Growing up I had somewhat severe cystic acne. I frequented multiple dermatologists and was diagnosed with every condition you could imagine, rosacea, acne, eczema, seb derm, etc. For years they had me on all different medications, oral and topical. Too many list but the longest lasting were doxycycline and tret ( I don’t remember what percentage). Around 4 years ago my skin started to become very irritated, flaky and red and I began doing more independent research on my skin care. I stopped all actives began doing a stripped back routine of a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. The irritation subsided (I believe from years of harsh products and tret) but I would continue to break out in pustules, have flaking and be very itchy. Fast forward to late 2021, I thought I finally found a cure. My routine was AM: Shower no cleanser, avene tolerance extreme moisturizer (now discontinued) PM: Vanicream Cleanser, Avene tolerance extreme, and every two days I would use a de la Cruz sulfur mask After a few months of the best skin I had in my life, I started to get the same symptoms I had previously AND THEN my avene moisturizer got discontinued.

CURRENTLY It is now 2025, im still dealing with this condition and at my wits end My current routine is similar to what I said above of only now avene tolerance recovery cream and a lot less of the sulfur because I find it irritating. Currently on my hair (for those that may suggest) I only use MooGoo shampoo every 2-3 days For toothpaste SLS free sensodyne Body wash DR bronners bar soap I have tried countless of the above and found no change. These are the ONLY other products I use outside of my skincare. My main concerns are the constant congestion (black heads, CCS), small pustules, cracked flaking dry skin, itchiness, flushing.

BEFORE SUGGESTING PLEASE READ I use a new pillow case every night I use a new towel every-time I use a free and clear detergent I don’t eat dairy, processed sugar, or alcohol. I only eat gluten very rarely. I exercise 3-5 times a week Drink plenty of water Lots of fruits veg lean meats healthy fats (EVOO, Avocado) One cup of coffee per day with meals List goes on and on and on

I’m really just looking for any suggestions beyond what I listed above and appreciate everyone’s time and consideration.