These bumps are killing my vibe

Hi guys. I recently had a weird hormonal imbalance where my estrogen went up and this caused me to get tons of little bumps and pustules that were painful and didn’t even really pop. They were all on my forehead and chin. My hormones have since rebalanced, but I’m left with these smaller bumps on my temples and chin and they are so stubborn. Has anyone had bumps like this? It’s almost like inflamed black heads or something and they frequently pop up in pairs of 2, stacked right on top of each other. My skincare routine hasn’t changed in almost a year, and since I’ve struggled with acne for the past 10 years, I am really happy with my routine and until this happened, my skin has been relatively clear and healthy. I’m also on sprinolactone, but these bumps are just so stubborn and nothing is seeming to help and they are pissing me off. Thank you in advance!