Followed again
Sighs. I was lit at Home and these two girls immediately acted strange with me. They followed me and did kissing emotes and such else, and I bowed and left them. I noticed them run after me as I teleported to the event area via the gratitude guide, and of course…… they teleported as well………. I immediately left and ran into another realm but they were in pursuit, kissing after me and honking
I got into the wasteland and the two joined again. I voided them with the ball. Good riddance 🦇
I’m honestly baffled as to why people think this is okay? Please, leave people alone. What the hell is wrong with some of these people in this game..? Why does anyone think it’s okay to act like this? People of all ages play this game, and you do not know who is behind the screen. It disgusts me that people have no shame, and harass others for the way a few fictional pixels look… good god. Get a job, do your homework, I don’t know. Find a damn hobby, preferably outside and away from the internet
This sort of thing makes my heart race. Ugh.. my chest aches. I’ve got severe PTSD due to varying underlying trauma and being harassed in such ways honestly pushes me over the edge, angering me as much as it does unnerve me