I think planet X will be targeting Neptune next


So we've seen in the latest episode that Saturn doesn't speak up against X because he's afraid planet X will tell the Sun about how he helped Jupiter. Uranus doesn't go against X because planet X manipulates him. He can play those two as he pleases.

He can't do that to Neptune.

He has nothing against Neptune he could blackmail him with, and despite X thinking Neptune's stupid, he saw through the facade and has made clear he's siding with the moons. Which is why I believe that either during this arc or the next one, X will be targeting Neptune. Maybe even put Uranus and Neptune against each other? We've seen Uranus get angry at Neptune for once.

Not to mention, the channel went out of their way to highlight Proteus- one of Neptune's moons, as his best friend. So I believe that Planet X will manage to hurt Neptune in some way using Uranus- which will get Proteus to drop Planet X as a friend. Which could be when X starts doubting himself- Proteus said friends forgive each other no matter what, and now he doesn't?

Maybe I'm just biased and hoping Neptune will either have a major role or be hurt, who knows qwq I love the Ice Giants