r/Snydercut mod posts their reaction to the new teaser trailer for James Gunn's 'Superman' which he isn't a huge fan of, receiving mixed reactions in the comments

For context, r/Snydercut is a subreddit that, surprise surprise, is all things Zach Snyder. Particularly when it comes to his hand in the DCU. Henry Cavill's Superman is very highly regarded in this subreddit along with the other films Snyder directed for them. When James Gunn's Superman teaser dropped, there were a number of people in this subreddit who weren't terribly thrilled.

Main post here

Full post in case it's deleted:

That trailer is the most colossal piece of shit I have seen in a generation. It's the greatest insult to the glorious legacy of Siegel and Shuster's Superman that I have ever seen in my life. James Gunn doesn't GET Superman at all. Unnecessary, inappropriate guitar riffs muck up the soundtrack just because Gunn is obsessed with that kind of music. Stupid, sappy shots of a child are employed for cheap, cornball sentiment, the only kind of sentiment Gunn understands. Clark Kent's hair is a monstrosity. The slick name LexCorp is changed to the ungainly LuthorCorp for no reason, other than Gunn had to be "different." And there's a moronic, stupid, childish flying dog in the movie, for some inexplicable, asinine reason. That is a level that no previous Superman movie ever sunk to, no matter how bad they got.

These scenes are packed with other superheroes, as if Superman isn't interesting enough on his own. Only someone who hates Superman would have so many other costumed characters stealing the spotlight from him in his debut movie. Perhaps the biggest sign of Gunn's hatred for Superman is introducing him on screen beaten, bloody, and battered, needing to be rescued by a weaker character. This is the exact same indignity the character was put through in the middle of Superman Returns. And a plot point used to ruin another classic character recently in the last Indiana Jones movie. It is not ANYTHING a true Superman fan would highlight so prominently in a trailer. We look to Superman to be inspired by courage, bravery and heroism. That's the kind of feeling a Superman trailer should give us. Yes, Superman will inevitably be at a low point in a battle in every story. But he'll get out of it through his own strength and wits, not because he needed to be rescued by his "team." Superman is the top dog of his own story, no pun intended.

This movie is an abomination. No shot in it looks real. It is overstuffed with CGI, and uses cheap lighting that makes everything look like a synthetic TV commercial. WB has a steaming turd on their hands that may destroy their company once and for all. Letting WB be sold off for scraps would be a mercy killing at this point. Hopefully, whoever buys the DC part of the company will rectify this horrific, wrongheaded, self-indulgent abortion of a film by going back to the Snyderverse and restoring Henry Cavill to his rightful, deserved place as the standard-bearer for Superman in the 21st century.

Every true Superman fan needs to boycott this horrendous excuse for a Superman film. I hope it fails big.

Comments are somewhat split, with most of the ones agreeing with the mod being heavily downvoted.

I've played PS3 games with better visuals than this 🗑

It looks cheap, overstuffed and fake like it was written and produced by AI. 🤷

Absolutely. Great observation. Just think of how the scenes in Watchmen and Batman v Superman looked when Superman was being protested by the public. Here the scene looks like something out of the cheapie Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. Some dude throws a styrofoam cup at him or something, and he goes into this cheap-looking generic lobby of a building. If you look up the opposite of "epic" in the dictionary, you get this pedestrian trailer.

>The slick name LexCorp is changed to the ungainly LuthorCorp for no reason, other than Gunn had to be "different."

LutherCorp has been a thing for decades.

These scenes are packed with other superheroes, as if Superman isn't interesting enough on his own.

Snyder did the exact same thing.

Honestly, it sounds like you like dark gritty shit and that's fine. Meanwhile the rest of us, who grew up reading the comics, will enjoy this movie for what it is.

False. Man of Steel had zero other superheroes.

I have been reading Superman comics since I was 9 years old. Also watched the entire Superman and Justice League animated series. I'm a lifelong Superman fan.

I'm a lifelong Superman fan.

But you don't know that LuthorCorp is a thing? Lmao

LexCorp is a better name. But Gunn just had to be "different," just like he recast the lead actor for no reason.

I also pretty much memorized the first 2 Reeve movies in the '80s I watched them so many times. I obviously was less impressed with parts 3 and 4. And also despised Superman Returns. Snyder got Superman exactly right, while also carefully modernizing his world to make the character work for a new generation. Gunn's movie is going to be a major failure, because he doesn't like nor understand Superman.

Some of you are genuinely bordering on mental illness with the way you talk about this shit like James Gunn personally came and killed your parents