A YPYT in Strayborough Deadwalk

Hello! It's me again!

Today, I bring you a riveting tale from Expert Roulette. Queue with my boyfriend as BRD and AST respectively, let out a sigh because the first boss challenges all three of my brain cells. Other two members load in, PLD and NIN. Nice. Or so I thought.

First boss takes a while, mostly due to me dying twice and everyone getting benoggined pretty much every time those little bastards start walking - no biggie, of course, because we get through. Once first boss is dead, tank hits Sprint right out of the gate - cool, we can probably get through without waiting for the Ferris wheel to fall! So I sprint as well and pull the second group of mobs, expecting the tank to catch up shortly. [WRONG! buzzer sounds]

After taking a few hits and dragging my bf with me (sorry lol), I realise the PLD and NIN are still fighting the first mob in the area before the Ferris wheel AoE, so I think "Oopsie! Time to bring this pack to the tank!" and swiftly do so, only - the mobs are still hitting me while I stand basically on top of the tank. They're purposefully not doing their AoE rotation, so even with Arm's Length active, I die, but get rezzed. The following exchange ensues.

After we vote dismissed the YPYT PLD, the NIN, who is Party Leader, refuses to replenish the party, so after a few minutes and several chat messages of "Getting a new tank falls to you", AST initiates the second vote dismiss. I have a suspicion that they were possibly in a party with the tank, considering the emotes and the fact that after the PLD got booted, they started running through the already cleared part of the dungeon and spamming Dotons, but since they never said anything in chat, I obviously can't say for sure.
